Hello! My name is Amanda and I am the owner and nutritionist at Integrative Health & Wellness. This is so much more than a business to me; it is my sincere passion. If you’re interested in learning more about my purpose as a nutritionist, continue reading for my story. 🙂
I was a competitive gymnast for nearly 20 years. The wear and tear of this sport came with some challenges, including a diagnosis of arthritis at the age of 12. The severity of my symptoms lead to a 2-year long hiatus from all sports, which was devastating at the time. When high school came around, I dove back into swimming, gymnastics, and track and I continued with gymnastics for 4 more years at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. My arthritis wasn’t gone, but I managed the pain with ibuprofen daily.
Following college, I started to notice a snowball effect of health concerns popping up. I was diagnosed with chronic impetigo (an unpleasant skin issue that was treated with antibiotics and topical steroids), experienced debilitating digestive issues, suffered with anxiety, and more. To top it all off? My arthritis persisted!
Finally, I sought the help of a nutritionist to get to the root of these concerns and take control of my health. Through food sensitivity testing and targeted nutritional supplements, I started to see these symptoms resolve. Over the years, I have further supported my health through micronutrient testing, genetic testing, and more. I am proud to report that I have been able to eliminate my medications and support my health naturally (BONUS: I have not had an arthritis flare up in nearly 10 years!). The results of my journey were so life-changing that I enrolled in graduate school, earned my Master of Science degree in Human Nutrition, and opened Integrative Health & Wellness in 2017.
If my story resonates with you, I would love the opportunity to help you take control of your own health! Schedule your Free Consultation today at: https://www.integrativewi.com/
Amanda Zagrodnik, owner and nutritionist at Integrative Health & Wellness